Introduction to the subject
Introduction to the Lean Mfg
Objectives of Lean Mfg
Key Priniciples of Lean Mfg
Key Implication of Lean Mfg or Difference between Lean and Traditional Mfg
Types of waste
Value Creation and Waste Elimination
TAKT Time Introduction
TAKT Time Problems and Continuous Flow Introduction
Lead Time, Takt Time and Cycle Time (Video); Mixed Continuous and Discontinuous Flows
Continuous Improvement/Kaizen and Worker Involvement
Stages of Kaizen (Lecture 1)
Stages of Kaizen (Lecture 2)
Cellular Layout
Unit- II Introduction to Standard Work
Steps in Standard Work, Communication of Std Work to the employees, Std Work and Flexibility
Standard Work Combination Table and Spaghetti diagram
Process Map, Visual Controls, Quality at the Source
5 S Priniciples and Total Productive Maintenance (2 Pillars)
Total Productive Maintenance (8 Pillars)
Overall equipment effectiveness
Changeover/Setup Time (SMED)
Problems in OEE
Batch Size Reduction
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Line Balancing Theory and LCR method of solving (Introduction)
Line Balancing problem solved using LCR method
Line Balancing problem solved using RPW method
Line Balancing problem solved using KWM method
Production levelling (Heijunka)
Unit III Introduction to the unit and Introduction to VSM
VSM Symbols (39 Symbols and its meaning)
Steps involved for Current VSM creation
VSM Mapping Tips, from the book of "Learning to See"
Student Seminar - Ragavendran G and Sri Karthik V S
Introduction to JIT (Just in Time Manufacturing)
Kanban Production Control
KANBAN Types (Single/Two/Three Bin system)
JIT Supplier Networks
Unit 4: Introduction to Lean Six Sigma, Need, Difference and Importance
Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma
DMAIC Process
Common Implementation issues and management strategies in lean six sigma
Toyota Production Systems
Revision of all units