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Introduction and Objectives of PPC

Functions of PPC and its parameters

Types of production systems

Product life cycle

Need, Factors to be considered before the product design, stages of product design, product analysis, factors to be considered for product analysis and SWOT analysis

Break Even Analysis, Tutorials and Standardization and Simplification

Break Even Analysis Problems

Unit 2: Introduction to Inventory, Inventory Control and benefits, Types of Inventory, Inventory Costs

Assumptions, Derivation of the purchase model without shortages

Derviation of manufacturing model without shortages and problems of model 1 and 2

Derviation of Model 3 & 4, Few problems

Derviation of Model 3 & 4, Few problems

Important problems from all the models of inventory systems

Price Break model, Periodic and Perpetual Inventory systems

Selective Invenory Control-ABC analysis

P & Q models, Reorder level/point, Safety Stock, Two bin system

Additional Problems and Unit 2 Completed (9 Classes)

Unit 3: Introduction to sequencing and simple problem n jobs 1 machine

Introduction to Johnson's Algorithm and problems

Introduction to Extended Johnson's Algorithm(Flow shop scheduling) and problems

N Jobs M Machines Problems using Johnson's Extension Algorithm and CDS method

Introduction to Nawaz Enscore Ham Algorithm and related problem

Job Shop Scheduling (Graphical Method)

Flow Shop Scheduling (Palmer Algorithm problems)

Flow Shop Scheduling (Branch and Bound Steps)

Flow Shop Scheduling (Brach and Bound Problem)

Product Sequencing and Dispatching

Progress reporting and expediting

Line of Balance Concept and problem (Unit 3 Completed-14 Classes)

Unit 4: Introduction to Unit 4 & SMED technique

Introduction to MRP I

MRP Inputs, Bill of Materials, Master Prodcution Schedule, MRP Processing

MRP Problem Introduction steps

MRP Problem 2

Cellular Layout Concept and Lot Sizing problems

Cellular Manufacturing and Group Technology

Elements of Just In Time systems and Lean Manufacturing

MRP-II Manufacturing Resource Planning

Introduction to Integrated Production Planning Systems and ERP (Unit 4 Completed)

Previous Year (2018) QP and Answer Discussion

Previous Year (2017) QP and Answer Discussion

Previous Year (2016) QP and Answer Discussion

Previous Year (2015) QP and Answer Discussion

Revision Part I

Revision - Unit 3 - Heuritics Algorthim based problems

Revision - Unit 4- MRP and Lot Sizing

Revision - Unit 1- BEP Problems and Unit 2-Inventory Control problems

Revision Topic: 2 Jobs n machines (Graphical method)

Revision Topic: MRP I Theroy and MRP Problems with hints to solve

Revision Topic: Unit 3 : 'n' jobs and 'm' machines (Heuristic algorithms)

Revision Topic: Unit 3 Sequencing Rules and related problems

Revision Unit: 2, Inventroy model derivation and problem hints