Introduction to FEA
Mathematical modelling, Engineering applications of FEA
Weighted residual methods
Weighted residual methods-numericals
Boundary conditions
Weak formulation
Principle of stationary total potential
Piecewise continuous trial functions
Rayleigh Ritz method
Linear bar element
Beam element
Generic form of finite element equations
Piecewise continuous trial functions
Application to bar element problems
Extension to plane truss
Assembly - element, global equations, shape functions
3 noded triangular element
Shape function derivation
Four nodded rectangular elements
Approximation of geometry and field variable,
Derivation contiuation
Higher order elements
9 noded triangular element
Derivation contiuation
B matrix derivation
Derivation contiuation
Force vector
Natural coordinates and coordinate transformations
Triangular, quadrilateral and iso - parametric elements
9 noded Quad
Numerical integration
Practice numerical
Practice numerical
Practice numerical
Practice numerical
Heat tranfer application
Heat tranfer application
Fluid dynamics application
Equation of Motion based on weak form, Lagrange’s approach
NaturalFrequencies of Longitudinal Vibration
Natural Frequencies of Transverse Vibration
consistant and lumped mass matrices, Natural Frequencies of Torsional Vibration,
Thermal transients, Nonlinear FEA