Magnetic Transducer: Hall effect sensor, Other sensor: Piezo-electric sensor
Optical Encoders, An overview on Arduino.
Unit 2: Introduction to signal conditioning, Signal conditioning processes, Basic characteristics of an amplifier- High input impedance and Low output impedance. Introduction to Operational amplifier. Overview on ideal op-amp.
Ideal op-amp; Practical op-amp; open loop amplifier; Op-am with feedback- Inverting amplifier- Explanation & derivation of equation.
Protection circuits- Zener Diode as high voltage and low voltage protection, Opto-isolators- Transistor type, Darlington type, TRIAC type etc., Protection circuit for microprocessor input.
Need for Analog to Digital and Digital to analog conversion, Process of creating digital signal from analog signal- Sampling and Quantization. ADC-DAC in a plant scenario. Block diagram of DAC with equation. Types of DAC and limitations
R-2R Ladder DAC- Solution for '100' and '010'
R-2R Ladder- solving '001'
Analog to Digital Converter- Successive Approximation Type
Unit 3: Actuators and electrical systemsIntroduction to pneumatic and hydraulic systems- Hydraulic systems- Types of pumps
Pneumatic systems- Types of compressors- Advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic and hydraulic systems- Introduction to valves
Valves- Directional control valves: Spool valve, Poppet valve and directional valve- Valve symbols: Drawing various types of 2/2 valves
Drawing valve symbols- Different types of 2/2 valves. 3/2 valves and 5/2 valves- Solenoid controlled valves- Example of lift operation - Pilot controlled valve
Linear Actuators: Single Acting Cylinders- Controlling Single acting cylinder using 3/2 solenoid spring valve- Controlling single acting cylinder using 3/2 push button valve; Double acting cylinders- Controlling double acting cylinder using 5/2 solenoid valve- Controlling double acting cylinders using 2 push button valves.
Cylinder sequencing- A+ B+ A- B-
Cylinder sequencing using Single acting cylinder and double acting cylinder- Mechanical switches- Relays
Relay- Sequencing A+B+ concurrently, then C+, A-B- concurrently, then C- using limit switches and relay. Solid state switches- Advantages of solid state switches- Thyristors- Construction- Modes of operation
Thyristor- Modes of operation- VI characteristics- Controlling DC and AC devices with SCR- Static characteristics of SCR; Bipolar Junction Transistors- Construction- Types of configuration- Operating regions.
BJT as switch: Saturation and cut-off characteristics- Switching ON and OFF a motor using transistor- Darlington pair for switching; MOSFET as a switch; Actuators- Solenoids; Servomotors
Stepper motor
Introduction to PLC- Basic structure/Architecture of PLC- Input/output interface
nput/output processing in PLC, Introduction to ladder programming, Examples with simple scenarios, Implementing Logic gates with Ladder programming, Examples of Logic gates with simple scenarios
PLC: Latching, Example for latching; Internal Relay, Example for Internal Relay operation; Timer, Example for sequenced delay; Counter, Example for counter operation
Microprocessor Introduction: Architecture of 8085- ALU, Timing and control Unit, Instruction Register and decoder
8085 Architecture- Interrupt control, register array, Serial IO, address & address/data buffer; Addressing Modes of 8085